The next month I was given a Performance Improvement Plan.

“How amazing you are to manage an entire school’s technology support on a regular day, let alone when the entire school goes online. I appreciate your deep calm and positive attitude to help all the students thrive. We are so thankful for all the work you are doing to make this experience not just possible, but positive, for all of the students” note from School Administrator/Parent
The above quote was one of many compliments about my work but I was fired for poor performance. I now see my projects and curriculum appropriated by my replacement, a white person. The white staff is benefiting from my research, the structures and protocols I designed. The very same work is deemed purposeful when a white person performs it.
I was in academia serving as an educator and tech coordinator. I worked at a top tier independent (private) school in my state. All the Administrators were white and the faculty was majority white. It was a coveted job and considered a progressive place. I believed working there was an exciting opportunity.
Being singled out began in the first weeks of the job. A white colleague nonchalantly handed over their lunch plate expecting me to take it back to the cafeteria. I was yelled at by a white administrator over a simple equipment request issue. When I reported this to my new employee mentor (a white male) he responded with “take it or leave it” because the administrator was known as a pretty nice guy.
I continued to do my job and hoped my work would speak for itself. I believed I could gain personal and professional respect and a sense of belonging.
The microaggressions continued and my time wasn’t valued the same as others. I seemed to be at the disposal of anyone needing things done. I found myself assigned to perform duties below my station such as making paper copies, and stuffing folders. When a white colleague put their hands on me to position my body for a task they believed was my “job” I reported the unwanted touching and the job assignments to HR. I told HR I believed I was being singled out because I was Asian. These things didn’t happen to others in a similar position. I told HR I was afraid of retaliation.
I was afraid but I had not received any complaints, no bad job reviews, no warnings. I had implemented transformative changes impacting teacher instruction and student learning from Kindergarten to High School. The work was praised and celebrated. Hopefully things could be worked out. What occurred next was similar to other stories shared.
I went out of town for a conference. I was told chaos occurred with a school approved animation app showing inappropriate 3rd party Ads to students. I was told that things were taken care of and to enjoy the conference.
The next month I was given a Performance Improvement Plan. I was told the inappropriate Ads were my fault because I didn’t monitor properly. I was told this led the administration to have a discussion questioning my instruction and my work with teachers. I was blindsided. Monitoring 3rd party ads was not a job duty, the school’s Privacy Statement noted that it didn’t monitor 3rd party ads.
I maintained this plan was harassment, discrimination and retaliation. Things became worse. It felt like open season to inflict harm on my person. I found myself mobbed, menaced, and bullied by multiple administrators. When I asked about the presence of security cameras I was lied to by HR and the Head of School. They said there were no cameras. The video footage would prove the menacing I had reported. When I discovered cameras in the area I was told no footage was available. One can imagine the emotional toll on a person being targeted for intentional cruelty. It has profoundly affected me personally and professionally.
Experiencing racism in such a practiced and intellectualized fashion revealed it wasn’t their first time and it won’t be their last. It won’t stop happening unless we report it and take action. I reported my discrimination to the state’s labor board. They’ve accepted my claims, investigations are happening and a lawsuit can follow after.
Bullying, Harassment, Hate Speech, HR Complaint, Microaggressions, Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), Retaliation
Anyone can get involved and join your fellow sisters and brothers in the Asian American community.