Terry Chi

There is a mentality of “it couldn’t happen here,” but it has and it did.

Terry Chi Terry Chi

Identifies as
Broadcast Media
Las Vegas

My story is about how a dream job working for the most beloved brand PBS – one that formed my childhood and taught me English – became a nightmare. After a 30-year corporate career, I looked forward to my career culminating with an educational institution like PBS that touts diversity and inclusion. Instead, Vegas PBS whose broadcast license is owned by the Clark County School District, has been the most racist and discriminatory environment I’ve ever experienced.

PBS has been riding on the coattails of its squeaky clean brand image for a long time. Meanwhile, we are hearing more and more stories of racism, discrimination, and financial improprieties taking place at local PBS stations, including Vegas PBS, because it’s been a good place to stay under the radar.  There is a mentality of “it couldn’t happen here,” but it has and it did.



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Due to ongoing litigation, I am limited on what I can discuss currently. It seems surreal that I am writing this and representing many like myself who have experienced vicious and targeted attacks simply due to my race and ethnicity, and not because of our abilities. In my case, my application for a promotion of a newly formed position with responsibilities...

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Due to ongoing litigation, I am limited on what I can discuss currently. It seems surreal that I am writing this and representing many like myself who have experienced vicious and targeted attacks simply due to my race and ethnicity, and not because of our abilities. In my case, my application for a promotion of a newly formed position with responsibilities...

Dear Asian AmericansProin id neque mauris. Sed sodales, nunc sed laoreet pellentesque, neque lacus luctus libero, ac malesuada mi nulla cursus orci. Curabitur euismod enim at nibh aliquet bibendum. Maecenas et erat eget ante tincidunt vehicula. Sed eu risus eget orci facilisis consequat id non purus. Dignissim, lectus et cursus aliquam, mauris lorem varius lacinia ex nulla sit amet nunc. Mauris nec metus magna. Praesent at mauris auctor, condimentum dui id, interdum sem. Quisque nec mi fermentum, laoreet sem eu, consectetur libero.
