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I was racially harassed about my Chinese features and denied a justified salary increase.
Dan Dan, 65
New Jersey
Dan Dan, 65
New Jersey

As an Asian American plaintiff alleging racial discrimination against an insurance company, I learned the hard way how biased the federal legal system can be against employment discrimination victims. After enduring harassment and retaliation, I took my case to the EEOC thinking they would help. But my battle for justice had only begun.

The next month I was given a Performance Improvement Plan.
Jamie Jamie, 57
Jamie Jamie, 57

“How amazing you are to manage an entire school’s technology support on a regular day, let alone when the entire school goes online. I appreciate your deep calm and positive attitude to help all the students thrive. We are so thankful for all the work you are doing to make this experience not just possible, but positive, for all of the students” note from School Administrator/Parent

my request for an environment free of discrimination and harassment was denied.
Linda (Swee Lian) Wee Linda (Swee Lian) Wee, 50s
Linda (Swee Lian) Wee Linda (Swee Lian) Wee, 50s

I wish it weren’t the case, but due to ongoing litigation, I am limited on what I can currently discuss. All I can say is that I am representing many like myself who have experienced vicious and targeted attacks simply due to our race and ethnicity. 

he typecast me into two roles: the quiet, passive, calculating, secretive Asian or the fire-breathing Japanese dragon.
Matt Ogawa Matt Ogawa
Matt Ogawa Matt Ogawa

I sat at my desk, staring at my computer screen in disbelief, unable to utter a single word, as my boss had just spewed some of the most racist, inappropriate and unprofessional comments I have ever heard. It had been over two years since I started working at this predominantly white institution, and I had never felt more unseen and unheard. The traditional leaders held all the power, and anyone who fell on the margins, particularly people of color, didn’t stand a chance.

When I’ve gathered the courage to speak up, I’m penalized instead of seeing meaningful change.
Ruby Ruby, 40s
Ruby Ruby, 40s

Being an Asian American woman in the workplace often feels like an endless barrage of contempt, condescension, and harassment veiled in microaggressions. As someone seen as Chinese (parents are from Taiwan), shy, and awkward, I face constant nitpicking and doubting of my abilities, despite being born in the US. This discriminatory treatment causes severe anxiety and distress, deteriorating my mental health and quality of life.

I share my story to help warn the next generation of Asian Americans to be prepared.
Tony Tony, 30s
Tony Tony, 30s

As an Asian American who’s endured lifelong racism, I didn’t fully wake up to the discrimination until the 2020 pandemic triggered a surge in anti-Asian hate. The former president’s incendiary rhetoric about China opened my eyes to pervasive biases I’d taken for granted. Now I’m speaking out so the next generation can recognize the signs and stand up to injustice.

When you remain silent, you allow others to tell your story.

– Helen Zia


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Due to ongoing litigation, I am limited on what I can discuss currently. It seems surreal that I am writing this and representing many like myself who have experienced vicious and targeted attacks simply due to my race and ethnicity, and not because of our abilities. In my case, my application for a promotion of a newly formed position with responsibilities...

123 Lorem Ipsum, Age
New York, NY

Due to ongoing litigation, I am limited on what I can discuss currently. It seems surreal that I am writing this and representing many like myself who have experienced vicious and targeted attacks simply due to my race and ethnicity, and not because of our abilities. In my case, my application for a promotion of a newly formed position with responsibilities...

Dear Asian AmericansProin id neque mauris. Sed sodales, nunc sed laoreet pellentesque, neque lacus luctus libero, ac malesuada mi nulla cursus orci. Curabitur euismod enim at nibh aliquet bibendum. Maecenas et erat eget ante tincidunt vehicula. Sed eu risus eget orci facilisis consequat id non purus. Dignissim, lectus et cursus aliquam, mauris lorem varius lacinia ex nulla sit amet nunc. Mauris nec metus magna. Praesent at mauris auctor, condimentum dui id, interdum sem. Quisque nec mi fermentum, laoreet sem eu, consectetur libero.
